December 1, 2023

ChatGPT for business: How can it take my company to the next level?

When it comes to using ChatGPT for your business, the possibilities are endless.

What is ChatGPT?

Before understanding exactly how you can use ChatGPT for your business, let’s break down how it works. ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) developed by OpenAI that generates human-like text. As part of the larger GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) family, it’s pre-trained on 220 billion parameters of text data to understand and mimic human language patterns.

ChatGPT works by using a process called unsupervised learning. This means that it learns from vast amounts of unstructured data, such as books, articles, and online content, without any human input. The model is trained to predict the next best word in a sentence, given the words that came before it– like very advanced auto-complete.

Still not sure how to think of ChatGPT? We like to say that it’s a calculator for language. Think of it this way– with a mathematical calculator, you input a formula and receive a numerical output in return. With ChatGPT, you do the same: input (i.e. A question or request) and receive an alphabetic output in return.

Which of my teams can benefit from using ChatGPT?

When it comes to using ChatGPT for your business, the possibilities are endless. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Customer Service

Supercharge your customer support team by using GPT to:

  • Summarize long customer messages and complaints
  • Detect multiple intents within customer messages
  • Personalize responses based on customer data
  • Use sentiment analysis to escalate customers who are unhappy or have a high churn risk
  • Search internal databases for relevant information


Use an embedded model to train OpenAI on your company data so that it can analyze and answer questions in a matter of minutes instead of hours:

  • Answer questions about inventory levels, upcoming marketing campaigns, or other departments' initiatives that might impact sales
  • Analyze feedback from your customers to identify product interest trends or potential gaps in the market
  • Summarize sales meetings' main points and transcripts

Human Resources

Since language powers both HR and conversational AI, it makes sense that HR departments use GPT to:

  • Help screen applications to filter candidates based on predefined criteria
  • Create job descriptions based on your business’s needs and expectations
  • Address common employee queries related to payroll, benefits, leave policies, etc., without human intervention

For more on using HR to enhance the employee experience, check out this article.


Operations-wise, ChatGPT can automate routine tasks like:

  • Analyze data to identify potential risks in the supply chain and suggest mitigation strategies
  • Coordinate shipping schedules, delivery routes, and identify potential bottlenecks
  • Identify trends in operational data that can influence strategic decisions
  • Monitor equipment performance and alter maintenance staff when issues arise

What are the benefits of using ChatGPT for my business?

When it comes to using ChatGPT for your business, the benefits range anywhere from simply saving time to preparing your company for scaling up. Give your employees time to focus on where they add value and leave the rest to ChatGPT.

Save time and maximize your resources

Time is money, and using ChatGPT to streamline your business operations means automating whatever can be automated and getting immediate answers for your employees. Give your employees time to focus on where they add value and leave the rest to ChatGPT.

Scale your operations

With ChatGPT’s capacity to handle from 100 to 5000 conversations a day, it can handle workload peaks and throughs on behalf of your employees. After investing in ChatGPT, get ready for the opportunities that come with automation.

Prepare for growth

For businesses looking to scale their operations, you can use ChatGPT to handle a large volume of queries simultaneously during periods of high demand.  Whether you want to admit it or not, your employees are already using ChatGPT, and so are your competitors. That means it’s time to invest in a ChatGPT strategy that works for your business.

What should I watch out for when using ChatGPT in business?

By creating AI guidelines for your company, your employees can innovate faster. They can move quickly but understand when it’s necessary to pause for a deeper discussion. However, there are some things to look out for when it comes to using ChatGPT in your company.

Data compliance and protection

Your employees are already using ChatGPT. With this, however, comes the risk of leaking sensitive data in ChatGPT. When entering anything into ChatGPT, be aware that ChatGPT stores all interactions between users and the chatbot. These conversations are collected to train OpenAI’s systems and are subject to inspection.

Anonymize your data, delete your conversations, and change your ChatGPT settings to not save your chats. If that doesn’t work for you- consider a private GPT option. This means a version of ChatGPT that’s available only under your company’s organizational cloud. By having your own private GPT, you can mitigate the risk of sensitive information being leaked.


Hallucinations are a form of misinformation that happens when generative AI returns a grammatically correct output that looks right but is actually untrue. For example, our website bot, Marshall Mallow, invented an email address on two different occasions that doesn’t exist. Although looks like it could be real, it’s not.  

To avoid these hallucinations, set a scope limit for what can and cannot be answered, reduce the temperature (creativity) level of your bot, and take everything you read with a grain of salt. Don’t be afraid to double- or triple-check the information ChatGPT gives you.

AI Bias

As mentioned above, ChatGPT is trained on large volumes of text data to mimic human language. However, among this data can lie bias. This is what garbage in, garbage out means. If the data used to train an AI model is not representative of the population or includes any bias, then the model will output inaccurate results. It’s important to note that ChatGPT is still learning, and cross-checking your information is key to absorbing only accurate information.

To conclude, integrating ChatGPT into your business processes is a great way to increase your productivity and efficiency with anything from customer service to operations. Always be cautious of your company’s security and the risks that come with utilizing a private GPT option. If you’re interested in automating your business processes and conversations, get in touch with Alexis.

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