A smart chatbot can scale your crisis communication​

Fast and accurate communication is critical during a crisis. But, it can be challenging to manage the mass influx of questions that accompany a crisis. We worked together with the European Parliament to build a smart chatbot that answers employee questions in real-time.​

Greetings! I'm the crisis communication assistant at the European Parliament. 😷
Need answers about the Corona virus or remote work setup? Just ask. 👩‍💼
Scroll down to read the full case ↓
the problem

Quickly communicating at scale​

In a matter of hours, the Corona virus forced a majority of the European workforce to leave their offices and set-up a desk at home. Many companies lacked an official remote working policy, which only added to the confusion and stress caused by a global pandemic.

The European Parliament (E.P.) immediately recognized the importance of accurate communication during a crisis and briefed Campfire to build its first smart chatbot to help streamline and accelerate communication with its 11.000 employees stationed across Europe.

the solution

Real-time answers to questions​

A.I. (artificial intelligence) is the best technology for answering a high volume of questions. By layering a basic chatbot with a robust A.I., we can ensure that the chatbot is "smart" and understands a wide variety of user questions.

In less than a week, we published a first version of the chatbot the E.P.'s intranet. This bot could answer 50+ different questions about the Corona virus, the Corona crisis and the E.P.'s remote working policy.

Because the pandemic evolved rapidly, we monitored the conversations daily. This allowed us to identify gaps in the bot's knowledge database and improve the A.I. with continuous NLP (natural language processing) training. We also worked with health department experts to regularly update the bot with new information and regulations.

the results

Quick adoption and even quicker answers​

In the first 6 months of the crisis, the bot answered 15.000 questions from E.P. employees. Using A.I. to build a smart chatbot meant that the HR Team and other internal experts could ensure that they answered employee questions in real-time and with accurate information. It also gave the E.P.'s internal team the flexibility to focus on more complicated cases that required individual follow-up.


Talk with a human

If you want to discuss AI in more detail, then reach out to Alexis.

He's ready to chat in French, English and Greek.

Talk with Alexis →